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Suggested method for handling deletes when Using BICC to extract PVOs

We are currently using BICC to extract FSCM, CRM, etc. data to build a data warehouse for analytics. Noticed that BICC Application Data Extracts only captures updated and new records, but doesn't capture deletes. Full table loads is not a sustainable solution as the data continues to grow.
We figured that Active Primary key extracts, will provide the list of all primary keys in a PVO. Using this, we are performing soft deletes in our warehouse.
- However we wanted to understand if there are any other approaches to identify deletes? (was trying to check if there's any column that can indicate if a row is deleted, but couldn't identify one)
- Also, what is the recommended frequency to extract the active primary keys? We see that BICC offers a minimum of 1 hours. But, we were planning to use SOAP APIs to schedule the jobs more frequently. Is it okay to extract Active primary keys every 15 mins/every hour? What's the advisable frequency here?
Best Answer
Hi Harishma,
Thank you for asking your question in the OBIA Community.
Currently Primary Extract from Fusion is the only option provided in FA - you can submit a enhancement request in following FA forum as OBIA is dependent of Data Provided by FA and if FA can provide deleted records data that will help downstream processes including OBIA.
Also for your question on doing Active primary keys every 15 mins/every hour this can be addressed by FA OTBI team as they own the FA VO extract process - please post in following FA OTBI Forum
Thanks @Rajesh L-Oracle. Will reach out in the FA OTBI Forum