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OOTB Payroll Analytics hardcoded currency value US$ need to be changed to Analytical Currency


As an OOTB content, the payroll analytics workbook currency values are hardcoded with US$. Hence the other country users are not able to use the Out-of-the-box content. The currency prompt needs to be changed based on the Analytical Currency.

Hardcoded value needs to be removed and defaulted to Analytical Currency.

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Capability to be delivered with 24.R3


  • Hello @User_L1FZ8 ,

    Current payroll balances DV delivered OOTB , is based on transaction currency. Hence it has one default filter on US currency code.

    However , with upcoming 24.R3 - we are delivering all Payroll Balances measures (out of the box ,not requiring you to use Global Currency/Exchange Rate and create custom calculations in DVs ) in Analytical Currency also. Post which you can create a copy of OOTB DV and replace all KPI with Analytical Currency Based measures. So you will be able to report on Analytical Currency in payroll Balances with 24.R3.

