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Goals Analysis in OTBI

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I am trying to have count of people for submitted and not submitted goals using below calculation:


CASE WHEN ("Workforce Goals - Goal Status Overview Real Time"."- Goal Management Process"."Count of All Performance Goals"-"Workforce Goals - Goal Status Overview Real Time"."- Goal Management Process"."Count of Canceled Goals") >=1 THEN count( "Worker"."Person ID") END

Not Submitted:

CASE WHEN ("Workforce Goals - Goal Status Overview Real Time"."- Goal Management Process"."Count of All Performance Goals"-"Workforce Goals - Goal Status Overview Real Time"."- Goal Management Process"."Count of Canceled Goals") <1 THEN count( "Worker"."Person ID") END

The above formulae for Not Submitted is not returning any value.

Another way that i tried to calculate the Not Submitted count is below:

count(distinct "Worker"."Person ID") - CASE WHEN ("Workforce Goals - Goal Status Overview Real Time"."- Goal Management Process"."Count of All Performance Goals"-"Workforce Goals - Goal Status Overview Real Time"."- Goal Management Process"."Count of Canceled Goals") >=1 THEN count( "Worker"."Person ID") END

But even the above formulae is not returning any value.

Can anyone help me understand how to get the not submitted count?


