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FDI- External Applications

Hello Team,
I participated in the webinar yesterday, which was led by Farzin Barazandeh. He demonstrated the integration of external applications, as well as the process of merging changes using the RPD template alongside the semantic modeler feature. Given that the RPD template is applicable, I'm curious to know whether it's feasible to import FCCS cubes via the RPD template and integrate them with FDI. This functionality is currently not available in the Semantic Modeler. If this integration is achievable through the RPD and can be established as a subject area, it could satisfy many intricate reporting needs that involve the use of selection steps and hidden variables. Furthermore, I would like to understand the implications on Data Augmentation when an external source is activated.
Hi, External applications are not supported unless it can be built on top Autonomous Data base. You have the option to use FDI connectors for FCCS or export to ADW via available tools.
Data Augmentation features that modify the semantic model is not supported with use of External Applications. You can use Data Augmentation Data set feature to move data to FDI.
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On another note, do you recommend if we were to extend the Fact tables and Dimension Tables with an external data source alongwith the OOTB Fusion Dimension and Fact table. Basically, we wanted to see, if we can have a FACT and Dimension tables UNION with Non Fusion Facts and Dimensions. (Note: Without making a copy of the OOTB Subject Area)
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Hi, the union operation is not available in the Semantic Model Extensions UI. I would recommend to create the union in the database. You might be able to use the External Applications for the dimensions union in rpd.