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how to get the underline details of job history in bursiting

Using bursting if we are sending any letter i need to know the details of the against each employee the delivery status Sucess/Failed/Error and the email to which it is delivered.
you can see these details once you have scheduled a publisher report. If you go to the home classic analytics, you can go to 'Report jobs' and see the delivery status. Then if you click on the report you see the details for each sending.
Let me know if I understood the question correctly
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Can i create a report on this and share with Business team on the delivery status
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you can check these two links:
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Can i get report on this and share with Business team on the delivery status
something like this
Emp code Delivery status Email
22222 Sucess
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Hi @Shanmukhi ,
Unfortunately, there is no way of getting these details from backend currently. There is an idea submitted for same:
Expose Table for Bursting Output Results — Oracle Analytics
Please upvote the idea so that it can be considered for future enhancements.