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Need OBI Apps table information.
Hi Experts,
I am trying to understanding the OBI Apps tables and their uses and what kind of information they hold. Like below example
W_AP_INV_DIST_F Fact Table | AP Invoice Distributions | Fact table stores the AP invoice data at invoice distribution level |
Can any one guide me through any link to get this kind of information would be great help.
What you posted answers your question ...
W = Warehouse OOTB (not custom)
AP = Accounts Payable
INV = Invoicing
DIST = Distribution
F = Fact (base fact grain; not aggregated)
Now if you don't know what a distribution is from an accounting perspective that's a different matter:
"Distribution details include invoice accounting details, the GL date, charge accounts, and project information. An invoice line can have one or more invoice distributions." Oracle EBS Docs
Distributing an invoice/invoice line means you can code it to various business functions for tracking.
Silly example: Think of your own checking account - you use the card and then maybe in your home finance application or on a site like, you code the purchase to a category for tracking. So you went to McDonald's for lunch on a work day - distribute that charge to Eating Out. Go and get the same thing while on vacation; you might distribute it to Vacation, so later you can see how much you've spent eating out and what your total vacation costed you.
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Just a comment to add what @Thomas Dodds said...
There is a document:
OBIA 11g Where to Find the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications - Data Model Reference (DMR) Guide (Doc ID 2125997.1)
For instance, what kind of information the table contains, description from each column.
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Thanks ... I would have gone there, but OP has no version ... so it would be hard to give proper link.
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Hello Thomas, thanks, actually, the OP show the version
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My miss!