Oracle Business Intelligence Applications

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Need OBI Apps table information.

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Hi Experts,

I am trying to understanding the OBI Apps tables and their uses and what kind of information they hold. Like below example


Fact Table

AP Invoice DistributionsFact table stores the AP invoice data at invoice distribution level

Can any one guide me through any link to get this kind of information would be great help.



  • Thomas Dodds
    Thomas Dodds Rank 8 - Analytics Strategist

    What you posted answers your question ...

    W = Warehouse OOTB (not custom)

    AP = Accounts Payable

    INV = Invoicing

    DIST = Distribution

    F = Fact  (base fact grain; not aggregated)

    Now if you don't know what a distribution is from an accounting perspective that's a different matter:

    "Distribution details include invoice accounting details, the GL date, charge accounts, and project information. An invoice line can have one or more invoice distributions."  Oracle EBS Docs

    Distributing an invoice/invoice line means you can code it to various business functions for tracking. 

    Silly example:  Think of your own checking account - you use the card and then maybe in your home finance application or on a site like, you code the purchase to a category for tracking.  So you went to McDonald's for lunch on a work day - distribute that charge to Eating Out.  Go and get the same thing while on vacation; you might distribute it to Vacation, so later you can see how much you've spent eating out and what your total vacation costed you.

  • cesar.advincula.o
    cesar.advincula.o Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Just a comment to add what @Thomas Dodds said...

    There is a document:

    OBIA 11g Where to Find the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications - Data Model Reference (DMR) Guide (Doc ID 2125997.1)

    For instance, what kind of information the table contains, description from each column.

    Screen Shot 2017-01-23 at 1.24.54 PM.png

  • Thomas Dodds
    Thomas Dodds Rank 8 - Analytics Strategist

    Thanks ... I would have gone there, but OP has no version ... so it would be hard to give proper link.

  • cesar.advincula.o
    cesar.advincula.o Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Hello Thomas, thanks, actually, the OP show the version

    Screen Shot 2017-01-23 at 1.38.31 PM.png

  • Thomas Dodds
    Thomas Dodds Rank 8 - Analytics Strategist

    My miss!