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BI Presentation Service

Received Response
managed BEAN
managed BEAN Rank 3 - Community Apprentice


I came across some links (Sathya's Tech Blog: Oracle ADF BI Integration  , ) to integrate reports/dashboards/analyses into ADF applications.

I was following the tutorials but trying to do that for Oracle BICS, but seems to me that only works for Oracle BIEE, because i cannot establish a successful connection:


It´s that i have a BICS account, and not BIEE, and want to put those objects in my pages of the ADF application.

So, question: Is the presentation Services only to establish a connection with OBIEE server and it does not connect to BICS server ?





  • Syedsalmancs110
    Syedsalmancs110 Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    I don't think you will be able to achieve your requirement with BICS environment as you have the Proxy URL to connect to BICS and actual Hostname and Manager Server ports on which analytic is running is unknown hence your connection failure within ADF application and may be Oracle wouldn't shared port details you can check on same with Oracle Support team who could confirm on same through Oracle Cloud Operations team.

    You are able to connect with On-Premise OBIEE environment because you have all relevant details to connect to the environment.

  • managed BEAN
    managed BEAN Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Thanks for reply.

    I am trying to connect to OBICS because i have Database in Oracle Database Cloud Service and Application also in same DataCenter, there is no on-premise.

    Does OBIEE connects to Oracle Cloud DB to retrieve the Data from?

    I will make a SR to Oracle Support.



  • As long as you open the right ports of course it does ... It's a database in the end ...

    But you maybe want to first look at OAC? OBIEE on the cloud in the end ...

  • managed BEAN
    managed BEAN Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    That´s what i thought about connection to OBICS (instead of OBIEE) with presentation services - as long i provided the right ports and credentials... its reports at the end...

    OAC? or ORAC?

    OBIEE in the cloud isn´t OBICS?



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Rank 10 - Analytics Guru

    Oracle Analytics Cloud.

    Full blown OBIEE with all bells and whistles in the cloud. Not the puny "15%" functionality BICS ;-)

  • managed BEAN
    managed BEAN Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Ok, so BICS is included:

    OAC services are sold packaged in two editions, Standard and Enterprise:

    • OAC Standard includes DVCS, Oracle Smartview, and Oracle Essbase Standard
    • OAC Enterprise includes the services in the Standard edition and adds BICS, enterprise capabilities for Oracle Essbase, and Oracle Day by Day

    Pricing should be 'full blown' pockets too .

    What is the community for OAC?


    As long i can show the reports/graphs/dashboards/tables... in my ADF applications somehow (will it work with presentation services?).



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Rank 10 - Analytics Guru

    Difference is can ssh to the instance and admin it. (apart from being able to use the real admin tool etc).

  • managed BEAN
    managed BEAN Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Yes, i did. also the safe domains part too.

  • managed BEAN
    managed BEAN Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    sorry, did not understand your reply very well.

    could you be more clear, please.
