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OBIEE post migration few reports are running forever.

Received Response
User_4A9ZZ Rank 2 - Community Beginner

Hi ,

we have recently upgraded OBIEE from There are few reports which are running forever in dashboard.

There are few solutions we have tried but no luck.

set variable COMPATIBLE_RELEASE='': in the report prefix.

Also, tried below.

  1. Go to Middleware\domains\bi\config\fmwconfig\biconfig\OBIJH and take a backup of xdo.cfg
  2. Edit xdo.cfg and specify the system-temp-dir property. For example: d:\temp
  3. Re-start the BI services.

Can someone help me out here?




  • User_4A9ZZ
    User_4A9ZZ Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    I found that the root cause is filters has based on another analysis but the issue is not resolved.

  • BluShadow
    BluShadow Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    *** Moderator Note: Question now moved to the OBIEE product space.  The Getting Started space, where you originally posted this questions, is a great place to introduce yourself and learn about using the Developer Community platform, but is not a suitable place to ask product specific questions, as you are unlikely to find the product experts for those products hanging around in there.  If you search the community you can find the product space that best suits your question before you ask it in future.

  • Christian Berg-0racle
    Christian Berg-0racle Rank 10 - Analytics Guru

    You're talking about xdo.cfg but then about "filter based on another analysis" ... you're giving a good description of the issue here.

    "Report" = BIP Report Object

    "Analysis" = OBIEE Answers Object