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OBIEE 12C Prompt year in date Dynamically

Hi all, I am trying to make below scenario work.I have an year Prompt(Value as 2019,2018,2020)..I would like to provide this year prompt into a date filter condition. Year Prompt-@{sch_enr_yr} for Ex: user selected 2019 ("Student Program Detail"."WITHDRAW_DATE" >= '01-JUL-@{sch_enr_yr-1} AND "Student Program Detail"."WITHDRAW_DATE" <= '30-JUN-@{sch_enr_yr} Lower bound date is 01-Jul-2018 (July 1st is static always) Upper bound date is 30-JUN-2019( June 30 th is static always) Only year is dynamic. Thanks in advance. John
This format works for me:
"Student Program Detail"."WITHDRAW_DATE"<= EVALUATE('TO_DATE(%1,%2)' as date,'06/30/'||cast(@{sch_enr_yr}{2018} as char), 'mm/dd/yyyy')
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I know that this is not always an option for access reasons, but best is to create these type of variables in the rpd, then they are available in a consistent and simple manner across all of answers for the benefit of everyone.
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Plus it eliminates the need for endless repetition and possibly many different ways of writing spaghetti code.
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Robert, Thanks for your response.This Prompt variable value has to be dynamic.User wants to select these values dynamically.