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Backup of Analysis report in PC

Received Response
Sangeeta Pandey
Sangeeta Pandey Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

Hello Experts,

I have created Analysis reports using a generic user and worried as some one else may delete those reports.

Is there a way I can take backup of my report in my PC and can restore if required.

I could see export option here ( to export in PPT, PDF, Excel etc)?

Is this the way? if yes then how to import again?



  • Robert gave you the answer for proper export/import in the catalog.

    Sangeeta Pandey wrote:Hello Experts,I have created Analysis reports using a generic user and worried as some one else may delete those reports.

    If "generic user" is a shared account, that's where you are doing it wrong. Using a shared account make the "My Folder" useless as it isn't a private space anymore. You must have your own account, which gives you a "My Folder" which is really just your folder. Anything in the Shared folder can be deleted or edited (except if you enforce proper security), but "My Folder" is really just yours. Nobody else can get his hands there inside in a normal setup (not talking about offline catalog access or file system access).

  • Sangeeta Pandey
    Sangeeta Pandey Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Thank you, tested both export and import and it worked.