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OTBI Analysis show one record for same ID Number

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User_O3GFE Rank 1 - Community Starter

Hi everyone,

I have an analysis and I want it to show all the records for a specific ID number as one record rather than one line. For example if Apple has ID number 5050 and has payment amounts of $10 , $20, $30. Rather than have the report show three separate records is it possible to get it as one record and have the payment amount show $60?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



  • I would have said that something named "payment amount" would be set as a measure with an aggregation and the tool would automatically aggregate into a single row (assuming every other column has exactly identical values).

    If "payment amount" isn't a measure already, try editing that column formula (in your analysis) and change it from "table name"."column name" to SUM("table name"."column name") . This should force to aggregate all the rows having all the columns with same values (except for "payment amount").

  • User_O3GFE
    User_O3GFE Rank 1 - Community Starter

    @Gianni Ceresa

    Thank you so much for the response. The formula looks like this,

    "Payables Payments - Disbursements Real Time"."- Invoice Installment Amounts"."Payment Amount"

    This is one of the first times I am ever using OTBI and I am not sure what the formula should look like with SUM around it. What are the table names versus the column names in this example?

  • Add a "SUM()" around all that and you should be good. A column can be referenced as "table name"."column name" or "subject area"."table name"."column name", both will work.

    So try with:

    SUM( "Payables Payments - Disbursements Real Time"."- Invoice Installment Amounts"."Payment Amount" )