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Creating table(view) using select at RPD failing
I am trying to create a table using select at physical layer connection to OCI. But i getting error view viewing data(ORA-00936:missing expression at OCI call ocistmtexecute) or deploy view([nQSError: 17001] Oracle Error code: 1031, message: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
at OCI call OCIStmtExecute.).
But Update row count working fine. Can anyone provide solution for this to get table(view) created at RPD.
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
This is a database error message, not an OBIEE/OA error, therefore you should look at what you are doing in the database and fix your privileges issues there.
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I am able to view data for opaque which is already created, for that i am trying to add one more column. Once i add column to opaque view i am not seeing that column under opaque view and while deploy view i got error.
for same select query i am able to create direct database query from BI front end.
With this scenarios working, is it still database privileges issue or anything to check at RPD
I have created new opaque view ,It got created successfully but under view name dont see list of columns,. When tried to view data got error as (ORA-00936:missing expression at OCI call ocistmtexecute)
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I am able to fix this.
Solution: once we add column under columns tab. We are good and issue fixed.