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Enhanced Request Monitoring in Fusion Analytics Warehousee

In the Fusion Analytics Warehouse application under Console and Request History, you can not see much about the process running, other than the name and when it was scheduled, then it's start time and then end time. We have had processes run for hours, only to find out after opening SRs with Oracle that there was a "back end process" that developers had to take care of. If the process were to show an error, or warning, or allowed notification to an email, we could have alerted someone earlier. The same thing is true for processes that stayed in a scheduled state for hours on end. SR's have to be opened for Oracle to look at. If the job could only say what the job is waiting on for execution that could also be addressed without having to open tickets
Use Case and Business Need
This causes needless delays in both production availability but also availability of the test environment after P2T refreshes of our non prod ERP environment. Each month we have over a days delay because of jobs not running, and us having to find out what is holding them up
Original Idea Number: c4d7d46699
This will be very useful to get notified when there are issues on the job or even when subsequent jobs need to be manually kicked off, so that someone is not having to go in constantly to find out if a job has completed.
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Very important enhancement!
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Must have for process monitoring efficiency!
Mohammed0 -
We've had to open numerous SRs to find out if a process has stalled because there is no visibility. This isn't an efficient use of anyone's time.
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Good idea.
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We are working on designing pipeline performance estimator that can be used by system or functional admins to pro-actively plan their downstream jobs. It is a fairly involved feature, so it might take some time. But, rest assured that it is being treated as a very high priority functionality.