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Security Console - Export All Oracle Roles/Users (no search filter on Role or User)


Organization Name

Argent Energy Ltd



We'd like to obtain a full exhaustive list of all Oracle roles available in the system without needing to filter on the name of the role and export this into Excel. 

We'd also so like this same functionality on the Oracle User accounts as well.

Use Case and Business Need

We want a full and clear picture of all the roles available and to understand if our organisation have the complete and effective roles setup with the system and to help in terms of organising segregation of duties. 

In terms of Oracle Users to see how many Users we have currently and get an easy export of what User accounts are active or inactive. 

Original Idea Number: dacc3dd57d

Security Console - User and Role No Filter in Search and Export Results.JPG

9 votes

Archived · Last Updated

This idea is not related to Fusion Data Intelligence


  • Prasad Mohod
    Prasad Mohod Rank 1 - Community Starter

    This will be useful.

  • Ahmed Maher K.
    Ahmed Maher K. Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Hi @User_UOYT6,

    Did you tried to run 'User and Role Access Audit Report'? I believe it will be helpful for your requirement.


    Ahmed Maher

  • Melissa UCM
    Melissa UCM Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Option to exporting the list of roles would be useful.

    We created a custom report to pull all users with the active check box marked in security console.

    If you want a list of all users with the roles they have assigned there is an ESS job available.