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Change Horizontal Axis Labels

I have question about horizontal axis labes on bar graph.
I want to change ma horizontal labels to: name || name || name or name , name , name?
I know that I can change Format: Horizontal Axis Labels, however, there is no possibility to change the display format.
Default values are only separate space.
Any suggestions?
I can see that this is a bit of a strange requirement..
Have a look at the XML and see if you can find a piece of code to edit the graph axis?
Otherwise, as a workaround:
You could change the column formulas of your horizontal columns to be:
And the same for the rest of them (apart from the last column on the axis). They will then display on the horizontal axis as
2016, 2016 / 01, 1/31/2016
However this does change the actual values, so it's not just changing the horizontal axis. Something to think about.
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in the following example I had month (YYYY/MM) and revenue ... I added another column (Month || ' in ' || Quarter) ... then used that as my horizontal axis column ... just make sure you create your custom column at the same grain as the x-axis column you really wanted to use (in your case looks like day or date)
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Thanks for reponse,
I know this is a little strange problem, but don't know what people come up with.I'll try to implement your suggestions.