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How to customize a graph legend from the xml.

Hi All,
I have lot of text displayed in the Legend. I am using the text in the graph measures, but the same looks clumpsy on the legend. I was wondering if we can edit the xml of the legend and remove the unwanted text. but i could see the following: column id of measure. how do we get the column ID, if i want to replace it with some other column ID.
<saw:columnRef columnID="c5676d94e3d86ae2b"/></saw:column></saw:measures>
or please let me know, if there is any other easier workaround for triming the Legend.
Thanks in Advance,
what about simply copying the column that you are using and changing the header either in the formula or the column properties window?
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Create a second copy of the column and substring this second column to a smaller size but so that it still has some business meaning and use that in the legend instead
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Yep ... I mistook it ... the values are what you want to shorten ... good catch!
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Hi Dan, Thomas,
Thank you for your Reply.
My requirement: I was displaying some text in the column heading and i wanted a line break for it. Coz, the same was displayed in the graph on hover. I got a simple solution for it.
I have modified the Advanced tab xmlfor the graph and put the line break in the xml and it worked.
just used "
 " in the text where i wanted line break and it worked. It showed perfect in the Graph hover too.