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Is any development happening on DVD product?

Received Response


  • Msharma
    Msharma Rank 5 - Community Champion

    just tried the generic ODBC driver and configured my DSN to use kerberos and I was able to get in!! So kerberos  works with 3.0 but only with generic ODBC data source. It does not work with any other source. Also ran few simple queries (just one predicate that was filtering the data) using few DVD data sources on decent sized data set (10m) to confirm if push down processing got fixed and found that its still broken - saw lot of data being brought back to desktop  - so DVD still not chokes on  decent sized data sets when connected directly to the data source.

  • Msharma
    Msharma Rank 5 - Community Champion

    i have not tried going via OBIEE since that seems like taking a  scenic route to get to the data source - all my steps are within the same data source so not sure adding middleware (OBIEE sever data federation) to this would make much sense.  I still have to test the generic ODBC driver within DVD 3.0 and use windows config to setup kerberos.  I did this for tableau so I think it should be same. So for all my testing shows that pushdown processing is still not working - DVD does the joins and filtering locally - yikes!!

  • jepva
    jepva Rank 5 - Community Champion

    What are you trying to do with LDAP or Kerberos?  If you connect to OBIEE through DVD you can use LDAP for any of the subject areas.  And since it supports ODBC drivers now, any of the windows ODBC drivers supporting kerberos could be used.

  • Msharma
    Msharma Rank 5 - Community Champion

    just updated my DVD to the new release - still dont see any LDAP or Kerberos support nor any documented pushdown processing fixes/enhancements!

  • Earlier than expected: DVD is available !

    Oracle Data Visualization Desktop Downloads

  • Daniel Willis-92031
    Daniel Willis-92031 Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Is that really what the tool is for though? I feel like if you need that sort of (amount of) data integration you should be doing it somewhere else and using the output as a data source.

  • Daniel Willis-92031
    Daniel Willis-92031 Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    ODBC/JDBC is there

    Waterfall charts + some other viz

    Some other connectors e.g. OBI Subject Areas

  • Msharma
    Msharma Rank 5 - Community Champion

    New viz are good but DVD still has a major fundamental flaw - no push down processing. I was hoping that oracle would fix it in this release but was disappointed again. Not quite enterprise ready yet!

  • Daniel Willis-92031
    Daniel Willis-92031 Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    It came out this morning (Australia time)

    Oracle Data Visualization Desktop Downloads

  • Msharma
    Msharma Rank 5 - Community Champion

    That is not a lot of rows. In last year's OOW, Oracle PM team even had a slide on getting this fixed. There is even a thread here where vasu Murphy from oracle acknowledged this being an issue.