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How are people finding ODV V4 Performance

How are people finding ODV V4 Performance
Hi Guys,
Has anyone else noticed a drop in performance when sing ODV V4, i remember a certain clunkyness to all the actions in V2 however they seemed to iron them out in V3, unforatunatly in V4 everything seems to be very laggy. Is anyone else finding this?
Hi Alec-
My initial impressions are that DVD 4.0 is fairly "hungry" compared with DVD 3. I've found with larger data sets that DVD 4.0 takes a fair amount of memory (my laptop has 16 gig of memory and it takes about half that to run DVD 4.0 with a "larger" data set of more than 100,000 records.) If you or anyone else has any ideas of how to assess the resource requirements of various processes (i.e. explain, etc.) I'm all ears...
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It definitely needs more processing power and RAM than earlier release. Loading heavier(50MB+) was usually unsuccessful.
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I am trying to export all canvases (three) for Essbase data in a project to a PDF but it's never been successful, shows processing page forever.
My laptop RAM is 8 GB, are there any performance settings available for DVD 4.0.