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DVD data flow fails with "path not found ..."

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JustTheFacts Rank 4 - Community Specialist


DVD data flow fails with "path not found ..."


We are having an issue with DVD data flows (and other operations, but right now we're focused on data flows) failing with errors that look like this:


     Path not found: '\\?\C:\Users\foobar\AppData\Local\Temp\2\DVDesktop\servers\obips1\cache\querycache_1\sawserver_6428_5a96d7a1_6-2.tmp'


When we examine that path, we typically find that the last node - "querycache_1" in this example - doesn't even exist. The user does have the ability to create folders and files in the parent directory ("\cache"), but it seems maybe DVD is struggling?


This is a corporate environment where DVD is installed as the SYSTEM user, and the logged-in user does not have Admin privileges. We're investigating this as a possible permissions issue, but since \<userid>\AppData\Local\Temp\2\DVDesktop is fully read/write for the local user it's not clear that we're headed in the right direction.


Anybody else seen this error, and track it down to its root cause?


  • Kadamv18
    Kadamv18 Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    Hope you have installed the machine Learning Plug-in in ODVD, if yes, then look for "DVMLRuntimeDistribution.exe" in your c drive and install it, it should be somewhere in c:/programs, once installed restart the ODVD and try running the data flow, it should work.