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OAC dashboard through Website

Hi Experts,
The dashboard which gets developed in OAC, is there a way access through any other UI? like I create a dashboard and expose it through UI layer like, angular, react etc. and dashboard gets displayed without any authentication
Hello Satshah,
OAC has the ability to expose dashboard to other applications as well but for that , firstly you need to whitelist the domain where you want to use the report/dashboard, use the below link.
Once done with the above step now you can embed the projects , use the below link on how you can do so .
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You can also find Developer options in the visualize tab of your existing DV Project which has certain options on how you can embed as well.
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Mike Durran, PM Oracle, did a webinar yesterday exactly on this topic. Showing how you can integrate DV projects in other applications or webpages, including how to deal with security (there are many options).
The slides and recordings are still not online, will post a link (if I don't forget) once they will be available.
If by "OAC dashboard" you mean the classic dashboard and not a DV project, it is also possible but a bit more limited in options. Oracle clearly advise to build it as a DV project and embed that one where you need it. Everything has been done to allow a simple integration of DV projects, but not much for classic dashboard.
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Can you please share the link of Webcast