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Sorting is not working in OAC report in a column populated based on variable prompt

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Sorting is not working in OAC report in a column populated based on variable prompt ,column logic :

If value passed in variable prompt is A column A1 should display, if value passed is B then column B1 should display ,if value passed is C then column C1 should display, if value passed is D then column D1 should display.

Report output : Pivot view

Any input on above mention issue



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  • Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Hi Indra,

    Base on your description " If value passed in variable prompt is A column A1 should display, if value passed is B then column B1 should display ,if value passed is C then column C1 should display, if value passed is D then column D1 should display."

    This means that any time only 1 value will be displayed based on the variable, then how is sorting gonna help on it?

    Just trying to get more clarity to understand the issue.

  • Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Hi Indra,

    Here are 2 thing

    first- its single pivot report that you placed on Dashboard and based on variable prompt selection the value of single column is getting changed.

    Second - you are asking about sorting on same column.

    Where exactly you are facing issue. Sorting off course will not work for single value as Jahnavi mention.

  • Rank 5 - Community Champion

    No one column will be selected but multiple values will be displayed based on other attribute column, for explanation : consider attribute column has 4 set of different values (ABC1,ABC2,ABC3,ABC4)

    value selected in variable prompt is A so column selected for display is A1( note A1 is numeric type, attribute column in pivot can't move it to measures section)

    Report o/p :

    Attribute Column A1 (other remaining columns also present)

    ABC1 0%

    ABC2 1%

    ABC3 0%

    ABC4 1%

    Report o/p expected :

    Attribute Column A1 (other remaining columns also present)

    ABC1 0%

    ABC3 0%

    ABC2 1%

    ABC4 1%

    I hope I am able to explain the scenario.

  • Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Hi Indra,

    Can you try the option "Treat as an attribute column" on the column on which you are trying the sort.

    This worked for me and sorted the data even in the pivot view and in the attribute section.

  • Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Hi Jahnavi ,

    As suggested tried that option but its not working in my report

  • Slightly confusing to get where you are doing what exactly...

    You say report, which means BI Publisher, but you have a tag "analysis" which means "classic" Oracle Analytics Answers. Can you clarify this point?

    Where are you setting sorting? As a criteria condition or in the view?

    Tried right now, works as expected.

    You should maybe post a screenshot highlighting the issue you are reporting.

    And what about the version? What is the exact version of what you are using (it has a number, or a year-month name).

  • Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Hi Indra,

    Create new column and define rank(column_name) which you want to sort.

    then sorted out the particular rank column..

    We can not sort by measure column in Pivot view.

  • Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Hi Gianni Ceresa,

    This is OAC report(Analysis) and not a BIP report

  • @Indra Sardana-Oracle and a screenshot, because as said: it works perfectly as designed in the example I just did on a new instance.

    What is the behavior you are observing (with a picture or detailed example)? How did you build your analysis? What behavior were you expecting instead?

    There are at least 10 possible expected sorting on the kind of conditional column you describe, therefore "sort not working" is extremely vague.

    Maybe what is "not working" for you is just "work as designed", but if you don't really make a little effort to make your question precise it is just impossible to provide an answer, or workarounds other than in extremely random ways as above.

    Keep in mind nobody else sees your screen.

  • Rank 4 - Community Specialist


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