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Invalid characters error message wne loading csv or excel file
Geoff Fredericksen
Rank 1 - Community Starter
Can't load csv or excel file into BI data model
When I try and load either csv file with comma separator or pipe or excel .xls file I get invalid character error message.
I am trying to create a BI Publisher v data model using both excel and csv option.
I have tried loading 1 row with 2 columns
where col1 is text and col 2 number, with no header row and still get message (see attached image)
Any ideas?
For those of you who ever experience this, the problem was when selecting a csv file from your local directory it does not like the characters in the path to the file as in //. You'd think this might have been addressed by Oracle at some stage.
You have to copy the file to your desktop and load it from there.