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Issue Combining Multiple SAs - blank fields

Issue with combining two SAs:
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment Real Time & Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time
Trying to put a flex field from Recruiting Real time in my Worker Assignment analysis.
Content (required):
I have included facts between both SAs and have tried enabling dimensionality, but what ends up happening is that I get two distinct sections:
One section that is missing all the Workforce Management and Compensation SA fields (Recruiting fields only)
One section that is missing all the Recruiting SA fields (Workforce Management fields only)
So it looks as though it is not connecting both of the SAs - both have Person Number, but do not have a common folder between the two (Candidate vs Worker).
Is it possible to combine these two SAs in OTBI? Unsure if I'm missing a step or just not possible to do.
Hi Andrew Mc
We will be able to create OTBI report from 2 subject areas provided there are confirmed dimensions (common folder).
For example, we can create a report from Workforce Management - Worker Assignment Real Time and Workforce Management - Person Real Time. Both these subject areas, we can create a report based on Assignment, Worker details.
Where as Recruitment and Workforce don't have a common dimension.
If we know the backend table details, writing a BIP query might help in such cases if there is a link in between those tables.
Thank you!