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Bring back Direct Database Query
Hi Chandra,
If Oracle insisting to using SQL query then remove the 200 Lines Limit as well.Regards
Shyam0 -
Must be needed as SQL query limit to 200 lines only and very clumsy. either provide direct database or SQL connectivity to SAAS Application.Hence Either Oracle Re-enable this(Direct DataBase) or Provide the MySQL connectivity for users for faster connectivity to the database
if oracle is much worried about the "database hit" in the cloud they can put In-memory database systems (IMDS) to overcome this solution
Shyam0 -
"creation of report is dependant on template size and user is restricted in extracting all the columns of the table with a large volume"
This is our biggest issue with using the BI Publisher reports.
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This function shouldn't be removed at all, it is very important and very powerful tool as it covers missing columns and information in OTBI subject areas.
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We are using Direct Database Queries for FAH it is very very useful functionality, if Oracle product team is worries about the BI Server performance, the could add some restriction and not completely takeout the functinality
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I agree!
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I agree