Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Idea Lab

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How to increment automatically the date parameter value of a program which is scheduled



For a custom report there are 2 date parameters and report is schedule for every 1 hr and we want to increment the date parameter timestamp automatically for next schedule.

Use Case and Business Need

Business need to run the custom report for every 1hr where the date parameter time stamp need to be increment automatically.


More details

For example:

1)  There is a report with 2 date and timestamp as parameters (From_Date and To_Date)  which is scheduled,  at the time scheduling we give the dates as below and frequency we give as every 1 hour the program needs to be schedule.

                From_Date : 05-02-2019 01:00:00

               To_Date : 05-02-2019 02:00:00

2) Report will run first time at above given dates with timestamp.

3) After 1 hour the program will schedule with same dates which we give at the time scheduled but business requirement is the dates (From_Date and To_Date) need to be incurment automatically as below.

  From_Date : 05-02-2019 02:00:00

  To_Date : 05-02-2019 03:00:00 


Please find the attached document for screenshots and more details.

Original Idea Number: 80c1dd3d61

1 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • User_B9AX9
    User_B9AX9 Rank 1 - Community Starter

    We have same situation with Online VAT reporting. We have to manually run them every day. Did you find any solution so far?

  • Robert Fighiroae-Oracle
    Robert Fighiroae-Oracle Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    Try using {$SYSDATE()$} in the scheduling parameters values and add/subtract hours:

    Fusion BI Publisher - Scheduling With Date Parameter as SYSDATE Runs With the Same Date as Original Date (Doc ID 2019035.1)