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Include the open interface tables and the error tables in the OTBI areas
Organization Name
Landsbond Christelijke Mutualiteiten
It should be possible to report upon the open interface tables and the errors that occurred during the import processes.
When building an end-2end-integration, it is needed to have an view on the transactions sent from the source application and compare this with the data in the SaaS.
Also, user want to get a view on the errors from a central reporting location.
The errors however are not available for reporting as they have not been deployed to OTBI business areas or any Public View Objects
We want to have access to the Interface tables for appropriate reporting of the interfaces or export the results to a PaaS/reporting environment
Use Case and Business Need
No reporting possible on interfaces and interface status through OTBI.
And no export from these tables possible via Data replicator.
As a result , only BI Publisher can be used to extract data from the open interface tables.
Request this data to be available OOTB.
More details
See above
Original Idea Number: e521967813
This is needed.
At the moment we need to implement BI Publisher report each time for AR and AP interfaces. This is to improve interface monitoring.
Although for AR there is some limited visibility on Billing workarea: Import Exceptions infotile.
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Michel, I think it would be necessary to specify here which Interfaces you want to include here.
As I already mentioned from Finance Perspective at least AR and AP interfaces.
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We need this indeed for the invoice interfaces of AP and AR but also for the supplier and customer interfaces as these are interfaced as well at our customer.
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good! support this as well.
Also, I forgot, we have developed BIP reports for: GL Interface and External TAX transactions interface.
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Our customer also is need of this. Currently BI Publisher is used to extract this data.
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Agreed. Providing visibility to the open interface tables via OTBI would be helpful for ongoing support.
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Great Idea!!
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Would be a helpful feature
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Oracle has recently ‘archived’ a bunch of great ideas because they have not yet got enough votes from the community. Hopefully the community provides more votes to keep this Idea alive.