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OTBI Export to Excel or CSV limitation
Please update this. 25K is too small. We need to meet at least 80k.
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Current limit is too small and proves to be a hindrance in most of the practical scenarios. Upvoting this idea.
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Oracle this is same as another issue Can you consider votes captured in that other similar issue as part of this issues votes too?
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Surprising that this has not already been part of a quarterly update.
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This is needed to meet the business requirements of our different functional teams.
Oracle Team- Can you provide an update on this Idea?
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We are facing the same issue as others. Automated agents are being used to send key reports to end users. These are being truncated by the 25k Excel limit & 75k csv limit. Request enhancement to remove or increase these limits
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I agree this would be a welcomed enhancement.
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Definitely much needed! That limit creates headaches for us, particularly towards 4th quarter with reporting when datasets for the year are bigger.
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Much required enhancement, the current limitation is very unhelpful. Its impossible to download a months ledger transactions with the current limitation.
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Required feature