Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Idea Lab

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OTBI Deeplinks Relative to Environment


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The Fusion deep links functionality is great which allows you to drill down from an analysis in OTBI directly to the transaction in Fusion. However the deep link URL must be hardcoded in the analysis which means that you need to change it each time you release code through to a different environment. OTBI should be able to dynamically generate the deep link for the environment / pod for which it is deployed

e.g. "podname" in the following deep link should by dynamic "{1}&action=@{2}&objKey=InvoiceId=@{3}"

Use Case and Business Need

Increase adoption of deep links. Enhanced user experience for end users who can use analytics to identify transactions requiring management and resolve them easily from OTBI

More details

If an analysis uses deep links you have to update the deep link each time you release into a new environment. Not possible to have a single master version of code. Need to keep track of which analysis use deep links and update them. Ultimately this means no-one uses this feature

Original Idea Number: 43d217adfb

2 votes

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