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OTBI Audit Reports
+1 much needed for audit
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Excellent idea!
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Yes, we have a business need to know what changes and by whom are made on OTBI reports
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This is very desirable.
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This is a need and especially when there is a release we need to understand the impact of it on reports.
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This will be very beneficial to have.
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Moving this idea to OTBI Idea lab.
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Good idea.
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@Jeff Rich-Terillium - have you heard any updates on this Idea?
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@Sampath Kota-Oracle - any updates on this? Has this been Planned yet?
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This feature will greatly assist in auditing efforts.
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@Jeff Hare CPA CISA CIA | No updates yet, but it looks like it would be helpful for a lot of customers.
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For anyone following this idea, just posted another similar idea related to FR Studio here:
Apologies if you received an update when the original OTBI post was edited.
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This always pre-requisit for auditing.
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We don't see any option to track OTBI Report change history. It's really needed feature for many customers and its required for audit purpose.
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@Jeff Rich-Terillium - not sure of your requirements. But this white paper may help
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@Scott_Thomson - Thanks, that's for BIP reports. This request is to have the same info for OTBI reports. Hopefully you'll vote for it. Thanks again! Jeff
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Needed for ITGC controls and SOX audit for Airbnb
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How are you all handling this with your audit team right now? We have basic reports they are telling us to create as DMs because we are unable to provide audit logs for analysis. The logic is so simple, it would be silly to maintain DMs rather that using OTBI analysis.
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Great idea, 100% onboard.