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Trailing Year, Quarter, and Period Numbers in HCM

Trailing year numbers are a great way of making reports dynamic. PPM and ERP both have their own versions of Trailing Year Numbers, it would be very handy if HCM subject areas had the same.
Organization: Baylor University
These are very useful in ERP and should be standard across the application.
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Hi Caroline, Can you please share any HCM-specific Use case - which you can accomplish easily with these time dimension addition in hcm subject areas ?
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Hi @Nupur Joshi-Oracle ,
Say I've created a workbook with a couple of HCM key metrics like Current Headcount, Current Average Salary by Sex, and Current Open Job Positions. If I am able to add a trailing period number filter to the top bar and set it to 0, then the report is dynamic and I won't have to remember to change it manually each month.
I currently use Trailing Period number for many ERP reports, so I would use the HCM trailing numbers often as well.
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It's particularly useful with ERP reports when you want to put the dashboard read only, and you want to send out to someone senior who doesn't need to know about having to change filters.
In that case you can simply put trailing period to 0 and it will always show them the current month's data, and you can use a FILTER calculation to say compare previous month's headcount with last month's using Trailing Period 1.
It's really, really useful. Yes you can probably achieve it with some data sets/flows but it would be better to have in the subject areas.
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Hi @CarolineAnderson @Chris Allies This requirement you have mentioned above does not need the trailing period filter. Workforce Core has a daily snapshot. If you just have the 'Headcount' metric on the dv, it will always show the latest. If you want to be double sure you just need to apply a filter like below
FILTER(Headcount USING Time.Date IN MAX(Time.Date)) - gives you latest headcount
FILTER(Headcount USING Time.Date IN TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_MONTH,-1,MAX(Time.Date)) - gives you headcount a month ago