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OTBI Link to Payables Invoice Image
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Description (Required):
I am trying to create an OTBI Analysis for AP Invoices so that I can query specific invoices for a supplier, date range etc which is all fine but I also want to be able to click on the invoice number returned and open the invoice image. I have researched and read articles on using BIP to find the UCM ID and using a web service web in the OTBI interaction to retrieve the image but why is it so complicated?
In the AP Invoice screen there is a link to the image, when I hover over the link I can see the URL. If I paste the URL into an OTBI report interaction as a test the image opens perfectly. Why is the URL, or at least the part that is unique to the invoice not visible in OTBI? Here's an example of the URL:
Can't we have the last part available in OTBI so that we can construct the full URL against each Invoice retrieved to give us access to the image?
If there's a better way, so much the better.
Use Case and Business Need (Required):
Need quick way to retrieve supplier (and customer) invoice images based on results of an OTBI query which has a number of parameters. Individually querying invoices one at a time in the application is inefficient when linking from a report should be possible
Enhancement Request / Service Request:
Upvoting this idea. I also need this capability.
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Upvoting as well. Customer need.
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This a customer need. Voting for the idea.