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Need help with OTBI columns on AP invoice data

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mdilyas Rank 1 - Community Starter

Hi folks,

I need to analyze below info from our AP invoices data.

  1. No of invoices migrated by period (from legacy system)
  2. No of invoices created manually by AP team by period
  3. No of ISP invoices by period (created by supplier)
  4. No of invoices cancelled (registerd by AP team) by period
  5. No of invoices cancelled (ISP invoices) by period
  6. Which supplier has higher percent of cancellation?
  7. How many percent of supplier's we need to cancel? Like, out of 100 suppliers, if we have to cancel 50 suppliers, then 50% of suppliers are having understanding issue.
  8. Avg time to validate an invoice
  9. Avg time to post an invoice / apply prepayment - after validation
  10. what are the validation errors?
  11. Are there any errors related to accounting period while supplier registering an ISP invoice?
  12. Is there an schedule to validate ISP invoices?
  13. Who gets ISP invoice validattion errors if there is a scheule already?
  14. Are they emailed or stored as logs? Can we get a report on them?

I thought of obtaining below columns from AP data for doing above analysis. Are these enough? Do i need to get additional columns? Can you guys help me with the exact OTBI column names or any documentation?

  1. invoice no
  2. Supplier
  3. invoice created date
  4. invoice validated date
  5. invoice submitted date for approval
  6. number of approvers
  7. invoice approval date
  8. invoice posted date
  9. invoice line no
  10. supplier ref#
  11. status (validated, needs validation)
  12. posting status (posted, unposted, draft, partially posted)
  13. cancelled date & status
  14. last status date
  15. source (ISP, manual, etc)

Rg, Ilyas



  • Gayatri Chappalli-Oracle
    Gayatri Chappalli-Oracle Rank 3 - Community Apprentice


    To Fetch OTBI Subject Areas and relevant column details , look for Financial Lineage Data base Mapping with View Objects Excel for Rel in which you are working. For More Details , Check this Oracle Note :

    Fusion OTBI Data Lineage Mapping (Doc ID 2721576.1)