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FAW Idle Timeout

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Earl Peralta
Earl Peralta Rank 1 - Community Starter

It's very frustrating for our users that FAW timeouts due to Oracle Fusion being open. They have to login into Oracle Fusion before they can use the FAW/Analytics. Our users use FAW/Analytics to run multiple reports, and do analysis on a frequent basis, as they are loading their X number report, it errors out because they were timed out of Oracle Fusion. These need to be separate OR we need to be able to increase the Default Timeout. Attached is the document that shows the timeout error.

18 votes

Needs Votes · Last Updated


  • Ija Vidaurri
    Ija Vidaurri Rank 1 - Community Starter

    This functionality will improve user satisfaction and will make the product more friendly. It also will eliminate unnecessary frustration.

  • Caroline Blanchard
    Caroline Blanchard Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Another important issue with the timeout is sometimes when you don't realize that you need to authenticate before you click save which causes you to lose all progress. If the idle timeout didn't also cause lost work it wouldn't be nearly as disappointing. I fully support your ideas listed above!

  • Oracle Analytics Wizard-Oracle
    Oracle Analytics Wizard-Oracle Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    Try to request an increase on the timeout limit by submitting a SR... worth a shot 😎

  • Roelof de Groot
    Roelof de Groot Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    We also have this very irritating behaviour that every 30 min. there is a freeze of ~1 min. and after then we have to login again. We raised a Service Request a few months ago but untill now no solution was given.

    We log in via IDCS for our Fusion Applications. The time-out setting here is 480 minutes. So this cannot be the cause. I hope someone found a solution for this.

  • Juan Hurtado
    Juan Hurtado Rank 5 - Community Champion

    I agree with Earl on his idea. We have users get a timeout session inquiry within a 30-45 minute timespan.

  • Earl, why must users log in to Fusion Applications before using FAW? It sounds like it is configured that way, but do you know why?

  • Roelof de Groot
    Roelof de Groot Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    Update: I heard from an Oracle consultant that they were able to replicate this issue yet and are investigating how to solve this. It seems to be complicated because of the different login solutions customers have.

  • Ashish-Oracle
    Ashish-Oracle Rank 7 - Analytics Coach

    @Earl Peralta We have Enhancement Bug 35654726 - FAW SESSION TIMEOUT logged to track this issue. You can monitor the same from MOS
    How To Monitor Bugs And Enhancement Requests Via My Oracle Support (MOS) (Doc ID 841907.1)

  • User_0N67F
    User_0N67F Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    @Ashish-Oracle The bug you mentioned is not public. Can you provide an update?