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Deep Links works within exported data.

Organization Name:
Dr Consulta
Description (Required):
I think interested using deep links within exported data, with this we can send analytics for the leaders or departments, they can be using a deep link to view or edit an Invoice or payment inside of Oracle, don’t needing more go to search menu to find.
Use Case and Business Need (Required):
Today we are running a schedule process to send an analysis about invoices not validated for a department, they need go to AP module to search this invoice. With the deep link the users would be able to click the link and access the invoice faster and without error searching.
Enhancement Request / Service Request: Enhancement Request
Using a deep link in a exported report or analysis will decrease the time of a analysts need to look a thing in Oracle.
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This feature would be very beneficial for analysts who use a spreadsheet to review their monthly account reconciliations.
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We'd like to have this implemented as well. This saves clicks by analysts and development time.
My current workaroudn is to add a static part to the report with the URL of the report. Analysts will click it to go to the report online, apply filters to the report if necessary and then they can use the deeplink.
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Does anyone know if this was ever implemented? The original post was almost 2 yrs ago and I'd like to have this feature.
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I agree with this feature. This will allow OTBI reports that are being sent via agents to have extended functionality when being delivered to users.
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I actually got confirmation a couple months ago (after the SR ran for over a year) that this functionality is not currently in the application. We're using Fusion, currently on 23D.
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I agree with this feature. We also need this for one of our clients.
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Extremely needed for my client.
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