Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Idea Lab

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In OTBI Report How can we defaulft 'Value Suppression' as Repeat in Column



In OTBI Report, the column value  defaulted the 'Value Suppression' as Repeat

Use Case and Business Need

While defining the OTBI analysis the default value for Suppression is Suppress, and to make the Repeat every time need to go on indivisual column and then change the Column properties to Repeat.

Original Idea Number: d5f087836b

8 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • Justin Scherrer
    Justin Scherrer Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Hi Farooq,

    If you sign in as OTBI Admin, when you edit Column Properties there is a button at the bottom of the window marked "Save as Default." This will allow you to save your format changes as default.

    *PLEASE NOTE* - I have not used this very much. I've read about other people having an issue with this changing the format on other reports. I haven't tested this much so I can't confirm either way.

    OTBI Column Default Settings.png

  • Glen Ryen
    Glen Ryen Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    This would be very useful if we could turn off all value suppression on all columns in one pass, just for the current Analysis. That's generally what I use it for, repeating values when I know the current report will be an Excel extract. I would not want to update the system-wide default for the column or the data type, value suppression is still a better default for most Analyses (at least in my opinion).


  • Helen Thomas
    Helen Thomas Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    This would be a really useful idea. When we have Analysis with lots of columns, its very frustrating to have to update all of them, rather than set globally for our instance, or just for that analysis.

  • User_GRUKV
    User_GRUKV Rank 1 - Community Starter


  • User_GRUKV
    User_GRUKV Rank 1 - Community Starter

  • Dave Gutzman
    Dave Gutzman Rank 1 - Community Starter

    I concur on everyone's comments. The idea way would be to have the default set to 'Repeat' at an enterprise level. Then if someone wants a particular column set to suppress for a specific report, manually update it there.