OTBI Analysis - Convert Datetime value to Date (only)
How do I convert a datetime value to a date only value:
"10/16/23 9:24 PM" to "10/16/23"
Should be simple, right? 😏
Best Answers
to_date(to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY/MM/DD') ,'YYYY/MM/DD')
hope this helps
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Hi Mike,
Unfortunately the SQL syntax is different. Functions to_date and to_char are NOT valid. You need to use the correct version of SQL. You are using "logical" sql in an analysis in OTBI or in a data model in a report in OTBI using data source OBIEE. Here is a link to review the functions in the sql language reference user guide.
Oracle® Fusion Middleware
Logical SQL Reference Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition
Release 12c (
August 2017
My preference to convert a date time to a date is to use function cast
select all 0 s_0 , "Ledger"."Ledger Creation Date" as created_datetime , cast("Ledger"."Ledger Creation Date" as date) as created_dateonly from "General Ledger - Period Status Real Time" fetch first 7 rows only
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Hi @Nathan CCC if its data model then isn`t it more simple to change in properties itself