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OAC Auto Cache Purge

Needs Votes


  • Manu R-Oracle
    Manu R-Oracle Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    @Michal Zima Purging the server cache is very basic requirement in analytics world. Incremental data gets loaded everyday once at least. Hence the global server cache should be purged for fresh data to be reflected across. The case you are referring might be a specific one for a few reports, this is more of generic requirement at Enterprise level.

    Please share if you have any specific solution for this else will be taken by the product team based on priority.

  • Michal Zima
    Michal Zima Rank 7 - Analytics Coach

    @Manu R-Oracle I have a feeling, that you don't understand what I have written (not even how BI Server cache works) , so further discussion seems useless . Have a good day.

  • Manu R-Oracle
    Manu R-Oracle Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    @Michal Zima Please DM if clarification needed to understand the requirement. Any valuable contribution/solution will be appreciated Thanks. Have a great day ahead.

  • Marcelo Finkielsztein
    Marcelo Finkielsztein Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Innocent questions,

    @Bret Grinslade - Oracle Analytics-Oracle and/or @RajeshPolavarapu-Oracle ,

    1) where does the documented solution run? is it on an on-premise server?

    2) if so, do i need to install any pre-requisites on that server? e.g. oracle client, oracle analytics client tools, etc?