Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence

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Configurable Security Context - There should be option to have OR or AND clause.

Received Response
Girish Ka-Oracle
Girish Ka-Oracle Rank 2 - Community Beginner
edited December 2024 in Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence

Configurable Security Context - As per current design it shows all combinations of cost center and balancing segment. But customer is requesting for the feature where user can see only cost center and only balancing segments which are assigned to user

for eg:

If we assigne Balancing Segment 403 and Cost Center 000

Then report puts 'OR' clause.

(T424140.SEC_OBJ_CODE in ('35e037ab-55e4-4c1e-a27a-dc383453d97e') or T424141.SEC_OBJ_CODE in ('786d822f-7da1-4864-93d6-268a93e622fe')) )

Due to this we get all combinations. Customer is expecting only assigned cost center and balancing segment.

So, there should be 'AND' clause instead of OR.


  • Ravi Guddanti-Oracle
    Ravi Guddanti-Oracle Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    If you specify the same functional group name for both custom security contexts you created, the data filters will be combined using the OR operator. If you need an AND operator between the data filters, you must specify a different functional group.

  • Girish Ka-Oracle
    Girish Ka-Oracle Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    Different functional group means? where should I create, kindly elaborate this. I have created two contexts. one for balancing segment and another for cost center.

  • Girish Ka-Oracle
    Girish Ka-Oracle Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    Thank you for this solution. This worked.