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OBI 12 / RPD - copying BMM from one RPD to another fails bcoz of lack of JOIN object
I'm trying to copy BMM from one RPD to another. Underlying physical layer is copied correctly, but BMM copying fails , complaining about lack of object that is actually a complex join (you know, MANAGE -> JOINS in admin tool) within one of LTSes. Because of that, my idea was to only copy tables (and recreate manually the one that fails), not entire BMM, but then hierarchies & joins between tables are not moved, which adds lots of effort + since it's manual, it's error prone.
Any idea how I can copy that join separately, so that I can copy entire BMM eventually? or any other way that will allow me to move entire BMM?
thanks in advance
Hi Any solution to this problem yet? We are facing the similar issue.
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Hi @Ramprapanna Bhattacharya-Oracle ,
This post is almost 2 years old. I suggest you to open a new one, so you can properly manage comments and provide feedback about the correct answer.