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Should Patch WLS Event the OAS Product Version 5.5 ??
Product: Oracle Analytics Server 5.5, Oracle WebLogic Server, Oracle Fusion Infrastructure
Platform: Oracle Linux 7.9
Should i patch the Oracle WebLogic Server and Oracle Fusion Infrastructure to latest release patch? Will it impact the Oracle Analytics Server?
Best Answers
Hi @Tiang ,
OAS 5.5 is no longer supported. I would upgrade to OAS 2024 and apply all the latest critical patch updates.
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Should i patch the Oracle WebLogic Server and Oracle Fusion Infrastructure to latest release patch?
Good practice says that yes, you should patch. But because you are still using a more than 4 years old version of OAS that isn't supported anymore for more than 2 years, do you really care match about the security of your environment? I would say you could focus on using a supported version first…
Will it impact the Oracle Analytics Server?
It can, but OAS 5.5 isn't supported anymore for more than 2 years, therefore there is nothing that will be done if your OAS 5.5 doesn't behave correctly anymore after patching Weblogic or FMW.
OL 7 is also about to be end of life, therefore more than patching I would focus on installing OAS 2024 on OL8. That one will give you another 20 months of supported product without having to upgrade (OAS has a 2 years support time: it's released yearly and support for the previous version is 1 year after the release of the following version).
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To add to the responses:
Critical Patch Update (CPU) Advisor For Oracle Analytics Server and Oracle Business Intelligence (Doc ID 2832967.2)Navigate to the OAS 5.5 tab. Since OAS 5.5 has been in Sustaining Support for a long while now, the latest patches are documented as untested
I appreciate your help in responding to my question.