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Report for Mobile and Web browser Usage

We would like to suggest a seeded report that can provide information on the usage of the Oracle Fusion Application based on the source it has been accessed with. This information would allow the HR to have an idea on how many users are using the Oracle Fusion Application from their Smart phones, Tablets and Web Browsers.
The report can have information like;
A. The device or browser name. For eg;
> Device Name: iPhone X, iPhone XR, iPhone 13, iPhone 14, Samsung Galaxy S22 etc.
B. Browser name and version
> Google Chrome 109, 108
> Mozilla Firefox 112.0
The report can also contain information from WHO WHEN tables and if needed might also contain IP Address of the device used.
At OCW London 2024 this request came up from 3 customers following the mobile hands on lab - it would be a great way for orgs to identify how much traffic is coming from which source and enable them to adapt their comms and adoption plans accordingly
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I was one of those customers referred to by Amy above and indeed the ability to identify the device used would certainly help garner or shape the IT support needed from internal/external IT support teams, providing clear evidence.
Too often the assumption of usage per device may be incorrect leading to devices not being supported adequately by organisations as they try to cut back on support. This can lead to a poor user experience when staff attempt to use their mobile device to access Oracle and it fails, at no fault of Oracle. Being able to demonstrate to IT teams the need to support devices better with clear usage metrics will be highly beneficial.
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Thanks all for the comments! To confirm, this is an idea for a report for Fusion Analytics, yes? Or is it for Fusion Apps? Just a little hard to tell. If it's for Fusion Apps, it will need to be entered in that community. Thanks!
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It definitely could be/should be a Fusion Analytics report. I will also add it to Fusion Apps but not sure where the best functionality sits to achieve the ask
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Thanks Amy! Yes, seems like it would be good across the board. I'll make sure the PM team is aware of the request.
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Hello I was also another customer at OAW who attended the session delivered by Amy. I would concur that the opportunity to identify the device used would certainly help to design and deliver support for our employees from both a HCM and IT perspective.
In our situation we have approximately 25% of our people who will only access Oracle from their personal mobile devices as they do not need to use work web enabled equipment. I say mobile devices but they could be using personal computers and hence it would be of benefit to know as surveys do not give you the full picture.
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Any updates on this request?