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Calling OACS Agent automatically using REST API or some other method

Hi Team,
We are migrating from OBIEE 11g version to OACS Gen2. There is functionality in On-Prem OBIEE platform which is as follows.
1. There is a Autosys tool (Scheduling engine) which calls a script at particular time (or based on Batch Load success) placed on OBIEE Server with some parameter (for ex. LDW below)
/opt/app/mi/obiee/$OBIEE_ENV/bin/ LDW
2. This script logs into the BIPLATFORM Schema related to OBIEE Server and pulls the Agents list from S_NQ_JOB and S_NQ_JOB_PARAM tables (using below SQL) and then using script within loop, triggers all the agents one by one.
If there are 10 Agents containing same description, all will be fetched using sql and trigger one by one using loop.
SQL -->
select JOB_ID AS IBOT_FULL_PATH from (SELECT jobp.*, rank () over (partition by name order by job.job_id desc) rn FROM S_NQ_JOB job, S_NQ_JOB_PARAM jobp WHERE job.JOB_ID = jobp.JOB_ID AND RELATIVE_ORDER = 1 AND UPPER (job.DESC_TEXT) LIKE '%${OBIEE_APP_TO_RUN}_AUTO_RUN_AFTER_BATCH%')where rn=1;
In above sql, OBIEE_APP_TO_RUN is the parameter which is being passed in 1. step and _AUTO_RUN_AFTER_BATCH is part of the description mentioned in Agent.
We would like to achieve the same functionality in OACS Gen2 but having below challenges.
Question 1: There is no mechanism where we can pull in all Active Agents information basis on description associated with the Agent.
Question 2: Is there any way we can schedule the script placed on object store and from we can trigger the agents automatically.
We have a new report you can run to retrieve agent information but this is UI only:
You can also use the runcat CLI (documentation embedded in the CLI help) or the WebCatalog serice (SOAP) to look at agent metadata:
You can invoke agents using the executeIBotNow() SOAP operation
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Thanks Adam. Good to hear from you. We will check the options and get back.
Much Appreciated.
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@Adam Bloom-Oracle - We are able to execute the agent using SOAPUI application as suggested in Oracle's SR
(3-37516008371 : OBIEE to OACS Migration: Agent Triggering Using Shell Script Automatically functionality)
We would to call the agent from unix box now but not getting the curl command to do the same.
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This API is SOAP not REST so you need to send the appropriate SOAP message in the payload when using something like curl.