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OACS Gen2 fires two queries for a report/analysis, one for rendering and one for download

Hi Team,
OACS Gen2 fires two queries for a report/analysis, one for rendering and one for download while On-Prem OBIEE fires only one query for both (rendering and download). This is not acceptable from business users. For ex. in On-Prem OBIEE, if there is an analysis which takes 15 minutes to render the report but while in download it takes fraction of seconds. while in OACS Gen2, it takes 15 mins for render and 15 mins for download. In Total it will take 30 minutes and even during download it fires another query which can also be seen in manage session page.
We need to enhance OACS internal functionality so that it does not fire a query to database while downloading the report/analysis.
This issue is doubling the workload on the databases which the report runs against so needs to be resolved quickly.
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If the report is first opened in Answers, the query runs twice because the FETCH FIRST N ROWS part is different for rendering the report and downloading. This is due to various data limits in OAC. One limit is for rendering, and the other is for downloading.
If the report is exported from the Home or Catalog page, then just one query is run.
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Hi @GauravSingh,
Can you please let us know if Pravin's response addresses what your trying to accomplish?0 -
@Pravin Janardanam-Oracle - Could you please share the steps on Home page or catalog page export that how query runs only once.