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Configure preview subject area Budgetary Control to add all GL Segments into the XCC segements

In the preview Subject Areas Budgetary Control Balances and Budgetary Control Transactions, out of the box we only have Fund, Object, and Department which translate into Balancing Segment, Cost Center, and Natural Account respectively. We are lacking quite a few key GL Segments that are necessary to create accurate budget reporting. For example, it would be helpful to also have Third Balancing Segment, Designation, Purpose, and Activity available to report on. We'd like to be able to add the rest of the segments into our reports to properly use and filter the columns in the subject area to create accurate and informative reports.
This is what currently exists in the XCC segments in the Budgetary control subject area.
Here's what we would like to see in the XCC segments instead.
Hi Caroline, The segments you see in XCC are based on your Budget Account setup in Fusion. If your Budget Account does not include the Third Balancing Segment, Designation, Purpose, and Activity then these will not be available in the Budgetary Control subject areas in FDI for analysis. If you have more questions, let us discuss them in a call.