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Oracle Analytics Desktop not loading

Received Response
_vero_ Rank 4 - Community Specialist


I'm having trouble opening oracle analytics desktop. Until a couple of hours ago I was creating workbooks, but now I can't open the program. Load up to half the bar and it doesn't open. I tried restarting/shutdown the PC but to no avail. Can anyone help me? also to recover the workbooks created inside?




  • @_vero_

    Assuming Windows PC, try right-click and start as Administrator.
    Check Windows logs
    For OAD, you can collect a diagnostic bundle with logs and check through them.

    For production use, you should use OAC, or OAS.

  • _vero_
    _vero_ Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    thanks for your reply. The procedures indicated by the guide are not very clear to me. Since the program was working this morning, what could have happened? I imagine that installing/reinstalling the tool makes me lose the folders inside it. I thank you in advance

  • The guide has steps to generate diagnostic dump. You could repro the issue and try to get the diag dump to review logs:

    1. Open the command prompt and change the directory to the Oracle Analytics Desktop installation directory (for example, C:\Program Files\Oracle Analytics Desktop).
    2. Type diagnostic_dump.cmd and then provide a name for the .zip output file (for example,
    3. You can find the diagnostic output .zip file in your installation directory.

  • _vero_
    _vero_ Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    I followed the steps in the provided link and this is the output:

    C:\Program Files\Oracle Analytics Desktop>diagnostic_dump.cmd
    BI DV Desktop Diagnostic Dump 1.0
    Got 0 arguments. Expecting 1.
    Usage: diagnostic_dump
    Dump log and configuration files to a diagnostic zip file for use by Oracle support.

    C:\Program Files\Oracle Analytics Desktop>

  • You need to provide a path and file name for the output.

    diagnostic_dump.cmd C:\Users\<your username>\Downloads\

  • _vero_
    _vero_ Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    Thanks for the replies. I followed your instructions, the zip file containing the logs folder with the txt file dvdesktop.log is empty.

    I appreciate your patience.