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Issue in Export to Excel in OTBI Dashboard

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Hello Experts,

We are encountering an issue while using Export to Excel option in Dashboard, where the Dashboard prompt & Values making whole column to its Width, this is affecting the entire report layout in excel export.

Please see the below screenshot for reference.

  1. Text Highlighted in Red colour making entire column to expand on it length,where rest of the columns appearing in correct width.
  2. Fiscal Period, All Column Values are making entire column to expand, which affects entire report layout look and feel,

Is there a way we can make Dashboard Prompt doesn't affect the column width?




  • Shankar-Oracle
    Shankar-Oracle Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Could you please provide the steps you are following, that is leading you to the Excel with column size issue (for prompts)?

  • Vaigu_27
    Vaigu_27 Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    @Shankar-Oracle ,

    have clearly explained our problem & steps we are following.

    Step 1:

    Our Dashboard layout with Prompt & Report where all column width are fitting to its content for Cost Center & Division Description

    Report output looks good in Web Interface

    Step 2:
    We are facing issues while exporting results to excel, using this option.

    Setting→Export to Excel→ Export current page/Export Current Dashboard

    Step 3:

    On viewing output in excel, Cost Center Prompt & Member selection increasing Column width for Cost center & Division Desc in Excel export which is affecting the output view in excel


    we can clearly see the difference in column width of Cost center Description & Division Desc,If you compare Report Output view in OTBI vs Report output view in excel.

    Is there any setting available to restrict/ download report output same as web UI in Excel?

    Kindly share your thoughts on this

    Thanks in Advance.