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2845107 Rank 4 - Community Specialist


  • Yes your points helped me to analyze the correct answer. And I marked your posts as helpfull. Thanks Again!
  • I have reviewed my time dimension hierarchy and in that at the month level logical key which is defined(Cal_Month) has the value like 12,11,10 etc. Since we need to have a combination of year and month in the logical level key . I have used the column(Per_Name_Month) which has the value like 2018/12,2018/11,2018,10 etc. So…
  • Thanks for the reply. If I remove "Person Visit Date" from above case statement mentioned. I get the correct results for “# of orders” and “# of Orders Previous Year”. Currently chronological key is set at detail level. So I have modified the hierarchy by putting chronological key at each level and tried, but there is no…
  • The column Product Expiry in periods is of double data type. I have tried changing it into integer and tried and still getting the same error. I am filtering for one product and trying to see the results. So for that product it will not have any null or negative numbers.
  • Thanks for the reply. Below is the error I am getting if I use a column instead of static number.
  • Thanks for the reply As we have several tables we are not going with this option. Does it mean until we purge the bi server cache this cache stays in there in the files?
  • Thanks for the reply Srikanth We dont have the 7963 OOTB RPD. And oracle also suggests to use a blank RPD for merge.
  • Ya will post the same question in BI Apps forum too. Just tried checking here. we don't have a common parent so used blank RPD and oracle document also says using blank if you don't have a common RPD.
  • Thanks for the reply Rmoff Its a genuine 3 way merge We are moving to new BI apps version. So we need to move our custom and out of the box custom objects to the new BI apps. So while merging, this custom and out of the box custom will be moved and when we have same objects in both RPD but in those objects there might be…
  • The modified RPD is the 7963 BI apps RPD and the Current RPD is the BI apps RPD. Thanks