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That XML doesn't look right to me. Either way, you should just be able to nest your groups to achieve what you want. I know I have done something similar in the past however i'm out of the office so can't get you the exact syntax.
Glad to be of help.
Niclas, Have a look at these links. Never name it.: XML Publisher -- Can you limit returned rows in a loop ? https://blogs.oracle.com/xmlpublisher/wildcard-filtering-continued --> Applying a filter to your grouping based on one of the fields within that group Hopefully they help. If you want to take a look at variables,…
Hi, I'm a touch confused. When you start looping through entity and you begin your "for each phones" loop (ie entity/phones), this shouldn't include the director as the director information is under entity/director/phones. What am I missing? Either way, could there be any way you can use wildcard filtering to filter out…
Are you using a template of any sort? We use HTML anchors in our reporting which I can confirm works in HTML and Excel outputs (Unsure about PDF). Try this link.
I've never used a seeded data model but would something like what's described in the following work where you download the model to a zip file and manually create the join between the datasets? https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_afrLoop=500139775040682&parent=EXTERNAL_SEARCH&sourceId=HOWTO&id……
Is there any sort of key that joins this data together or are they completely separate? If there is a common field in both datasets you can join them in your datamodel which will allow you to use data from both datasets in the same loop.
Supplementary Details: - It seems to be only impacting where the physical db is MS-SQL. - Turning off cache on each physical table in the subject area "fixes" the issue.
You don't need to be nice to me Christian haha. I am well aware that the problems we are facing are with our design and not the product itself. As for the virus, I hope you and your family are staying safe. I have family friends who live in Cologne, Germany and believe me, I am taking it very seriously.l the All the best
Ok that makes sense. I ended up turning cache off on all the tables this report uses and now, without cache, it runs in 7 seconds vs 20. Go figure!