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Adrian Ward UK Rank 2 - Community Beginner


  • Alex For me the easiest way to do the edit is to edit the SQL in the XML block instead of in the plain logical sql block. This will retain all of the existing views, layouts, formats etc Adrian
  • Thanks Prasanna That Enhancement request is exactly what we need. Also, All round we need better granularity on permissions - we don't want all users to be able to create competing data on the official platform I should have been clearer in my question - "apart from users giving you access, how can Admin see the datasets…
  • HI Yes I do mean viewing the data. I know your response is well intentioned, but I don't think you need to waste your time replying with the basics that is already obvious to all users of the DV app. What I think this forum should be for is the stuff that is not so obvious, perhaps nuggets that are either hidden in…
  • Aman I think you have misinterpreted the question. We can see the quota there, we can all see what is obvious on the page, but where is the documentation on how you CONTROL the quota Adrian
  • The Statement of Direction is now very clear. You can see it in the support note. https://support.oracle.com/cloud/faces/DocumentDisplay?_afrLoop=362337200450127&_afrWindowMode=0&id=2515201.1&_adf.ctrl-state=au0f05xhx_4 OBIA on premise 10.3 release will be supported until at least 2030 OBIA 10.2 release will be supported…