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Can I ask a quick question? Why I can't see Manual Query option under Local Subject Area?
Agreed. It is absolutely necessary to have a tool for version control of the reports and analysis in BI Server.
Hi Ashley, This Enhancement Request: 29351064 is for BI Publisher report but I think it sill applies since the idea is to protect any Excel file that is sent through emails, specially via automated process, such as Agents or BI Publisher Job Scheduler. Thank you, Alvaro Couto
Does anyone know if we have an ER logged for this?
We also need this requirement to protect our Pii data.
I totally agree. Thumbs up!!!
Hi Linda, I will update you guys as soon as I got Oracle's response to my SR. Thank you, Alvaro Couto
Thanks Caroline. That would be my thought as well.
Sandra, It seems I can use invoke a Java EJB to get that done. This documents explains how to create this process - although the Java code just save the analysis in a file, I believe we can add some more code to do the sftp part.…
Hi Sandra, I've just found out that VB and Java server scripts are not supported on Linux (or UNIX) environments (which is my case). Instead, it seems we can use Java method (EJB-based Java action). https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_afrLoop=406340133741203&id=1541561.1&_adf.ctrl-state=w3isgjwbs_499…
Hi Sandra, Just found this and I am posting it to save it: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E21764_01/doc.1111/e18562/schedjobscripts.htm#BIESJ1471 Thank you, Alvaro Couto
Hi Sandra, Hum...That's the reason I posted my question in this forum and thanks for quickly replying on that. Please take a look in this solution. I found it on the Internet and I would like to have it a try. https://wapcobiee.wordpress.com/2015/08/27/obiee-send-content-to-ftp-server-network-folder/ What do you think?…
Hi Sareesh, It helped a lot. Thank you, Alvaro Couto
Hello Guys, Any ETA for the enhancement request to protect Excel outputs with password? Thank you, Alvaro Couto
Hello Wade, Please see my screen. Yes, the field is as Alpha-Numeric. What shoud I do? Do I need to convert it? Casting? This column in pivot table is the Screen_Entry_Value field from FUSION.PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F. It is originally an alpha column but it contains Date, Earning, etc. In OTBI Pivot Table worked…
When new FAW Security release will be published?
Hi Nupur, Is that possible to associate this Project to a card so that I can link that to a Deck? Thank you, Alvaro Couto
Hi Nupur, Yes, that worked! Thank you, Alvaro Couto
Hi Nupur & TEam I couldn't run the Dashboard in Fusion side. I've tried to unarchive the catalog file both /Shared Folders/Custom and /My Folders but in both folder the links are broken. I can run the analysis themselves but it seems the links are not correct inside the Dashboard. When I run the Dashboard, it appears in…